I often questioned myself on humanitarian interventions to crisis related to livestock. An example here would be : What is the use of vaccinating thousands animals without considering that herders and their animals may be threatened by other factors such as conflicts, unsafe water or unattaignable food ?


Briac-consulting began operating in 2008, advising on the interface between human, animal and environmental issues as they relate to health, agricultural production, food safety and security.

Vincent Briac, the founder and manager of BRIAC Sàrl, has had proven success in the establishment of collaborative relationships, in team building and in delivering results.

Mr Briac worked as a field humanitarian worker as well as regional coordinator and director, with 15 years of experience within NGOs (Oxfam, Withuis, Caritas, Louvain Développement , Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Belgium and Switzerland). From 2004 to 2008, he was with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and then as a consultant and Senior Officer to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). He actively participates in global initiatives such as Towards A Safer World (a whole of society approach to disaster preparedness and resilience building), and LEGS (Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards) as well as the Global One Health Movement.

He holds a Bachelor degree in Agriculture and a Master in Veterinary Sciences specializing in tropical animal health and livestock management from the Tropical Institute of Antwerp, Belgium. He keeps himself up to date with training in organizational management, training of trainers, reporting, sociological and human aspects of development activities and languages.

Mr Briac has conducted missions in more than 35 countries. He has also lived and worked for longer periods in Belgium, Burundi, France, Georgia, Italy, Kenya, Rwanda, Sahel region, Spain, South Sudan, and Switzerland. He is an active member of a number of NGOs and is co-founder of Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International (VSF), a consortium of 11 national VSF.