Aide humanitaire

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Résilience Communautaire

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Production animale

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Renforcement institutionnel

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Formation en réponses d’urgence

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Conception, suivi et évaluation de projets

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Ce fut un plaisir de travailler avec Vincent en tant que chef de la Délégation de la Croix Rouge Suisse. Vincent est une personne expérimentée avec un réel esprit d'équipe en tant que Mouvement et avec une grande connaissance de la Fédération et du Mouvement. Son expertise des questions humanitaires et de développement et sa façon d'aborder les différentes situations que nous vivons en Haïti ont permis de faire avancer les initiatives.
Je remercie Vincent de son soutien, en particulier dans des domaines tels que la sécurité, et je lui souhaite plein succès dans sa nouvelle aventure.
Inés BRILL, Cheffe de l’équipe de soutien au Cluster Pays pour Haïti,La République Dominicaine et Cuba), FIRC

Vincent was the Director of VSF Switzerland. I was in the Board of Directors. Vincent has managed the organisation well with a lot of experience and expertise in a broad range of development questions. He was a good manager of personnel and has excellent writing skills. Vincent communicates in a transparent manner with clear and short statements. I can recommend him for any cader position in organisations linked with international development cooperation.
Fritz Schneider, Livestock Systems Consultant, Chair Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock

Vincent became a Trainer for the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) in 2013. Since then he has successfully delivered five LEGS Training courses, in Serbia, Mauritania, Burkina Faso and the Central African Republic. He is committed to building the resilience of livestock keepers and supporting livelihoods in emergencies. A confident and professional trainer, he is a keen advocate of the LEGS approach.
Cathy Watson, LEGS project Coordinator

From 2016, the WBG has consistently selected Vincent as our preferred consultant for the implementation support of the «Pastoral Crisis Management» component of this regional project. This assignment included field supervision missions in all six Sahelian countries and at the regional coordination level (CILSS-Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel). Not only did he display the required technical competencies to build and assist resilient pastoral communities, but he demonstrated a high level of leadership skills in facilitating consultative workshops in Mali and Niger with all national stakeholders involved. His technical competencies and leadership skills were recently used to organize a week-long debate on project activities with representatives of all six countries and the regional. All deliverables were ready in due time. His overall guidance was highly appreciated by the WBG and by our clients alike.
Christian Berger, Task Team Leader of the Regional Sahel Pastoralism Support Project (PRAPS/Projet Régional d’appui au Pastoralisme au Sahel) at the World Bank Group (WBG)

Vincent est un expert en développement, avec une spécialité en montage des projets, de la mise en œuvre des programmes, du suivi et de l'évaluation. Son expertise dans le domaine du Pastoralisme fait de lui parmi les meilleurs qualifiés de la profession.
Djime Adoum, Secrétaire Exécutif du CILSS (Comité inter-États de lutte contre la sécheresse au Sahel, organisation internationale regroupant 13 pays sahéliens).

Vincent is a top professional with expertise in animal health, management and development. He served the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies plus worked as consultant. He is a man of many talents combined and has an amazing experience in developing countries with demanding missions. Vincent is totally dedicated to the organisation’s mission, abide by top quality standards, innovates and above all, delivers. Vincent is never afraid of the to-do list; he is such a hard worker. I will always remain impressed by his ability to think out of the box and recommend him highly.
Pierre Duplessis, CEO and Secretary General of Canadian Red Cross and Special Envoy of IFRC Secretary General for the avian and Human Influenza

During my time as Under Secretary General with the IFRC from 2009 to 2015 I got to know Vincent very well as both a passionate and consummate public health professional. He was instrumental in helping me and others in the leadership team gain a deeper understanding of what a holistic approach to health means and how to translate it into concrete action. This included how to integrate approaches to resilience strengthening into our health agenda as well as how to coherently link human health with animal welfare. He is also a great advocate for an organisation, as he demonstrated when we worked together on IFRC's input to the multi stakeholder Global Resilience Forum. Vincent is an effective team player and an asset for any development and/or humanitarian organisation working in an action oriented manner on health and resilience issues.
Matthias Schmale, Director Representative Office at UNRWA